Welcome to
Madhuraa Women Empowerment And Welfare Trust
A Step ...... Towards Women Empowerment
A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nature and transform.
We recognise that evolution and restructuring requires participation from all : women and men, young and old, grassroots to national levels, private and public institutions alike.
The most pressing challenge is to change the mindset of all stakeholders from treating women as objects or subject "beneficiaries" to change agents and right bearing citizens. Women are hard working, creative and capable to create, nurture and transform. When people – both men and women equally- are mobilized to participate as active citizens, and when they act in partnership with effective accountable institutions at the community level, the result is: profound social, economical and political transformation.
That's where Madhuraa Trust acts like a catalyst for transformation.
>> MADHURAA TRUST tries to build the seven strengths in them. Belonging, Curiosity, Kindness, Friendship, Confidence, Courage, and Hope.
>> MADHURAA TRUST also intentionally creates safe spaces for its members to develop talents,craft and their identities.
>> We are implementing various prototypes with the intent to build scalable and sustainable models.
>> we are continuing to expand our areas of impact as we collaborate with corporate sector, NGOs and funding organizations.
Our Management Team
Smita Hiray

Lalita Bhargave
Vice President

Dr. Yogita Hiray

Sampadaa Hiray
General Secretary

Shriya Bhargave
Joint Secretary

Shital Shinde

Sujata Shinde

Leena Kale